So, these last few weeks I've been super busy with pictures, I am so happy to be doing so well and staying busy. I never thought that in just a few months to already have so many customers and my name is already getting spread by word of mouth. I am so happy to be doing what I love! Oh and please comment on what you think about my new logo!

In spite of being so busy with sessions and editing, we've been pretty busy living it up too. This weekend we went to the house boat and Kacen loved it as always, he was jumping straight off the dock into the water, i can't believe he can already swim and isn't afraid of the water at all! We went Sat. night to the Smithville Jamboree for a while until it started raining, then went back to the boat. And that morning we took Kacen to the Midway baby show and dropped off some certificates for all the winners for ChaNikki Imagery! Hope they like em!

Friday we're going to Lake Winnie, hopefully Kacen will like it, not sure how he will do with rides, he hates the ones at wal-mart LOL but hopefully after he sees his cousins on some he'll be ok with it. He's usually not scared of anything so maybe he'll warm up to it.

Then next Friday it's off to Clearwater FL for 9 days! AWWWW I can't wait to take Kacen's picture at the beach and let him see the ocean, he'll LOVE it!!! I have so much to do before then though!!!EEEKKK!
Chandi, I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE, LOVE your pictures!!! I am a HUGE fan! I hope to call you one day and book a session! Right now, money is tight because I am getting ready to start nursing school in August, but I will be calling you one day.. You guys are fabulous! I hope you enjoy your vacation......
I love that picture of katerbug! hope yall have a great trip! we find out thursday what the baby is! Have your phone on you bc you will be recieving a text;) lol love you guys!
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