Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

So, of course being a mom I watch Nickelodeon alot and they are doing a neat thing at 9/8 central. Power off everything in your home for just one minute and let's give mother earth a rest!!! I know 1 minute doesn't sound like alot but if millions of people do it, this helps alot!
My baby in his Keith Urban designed Earth Day Shirt!

Everyone please Pray for my Pa today..

He is having some tests run at St. Thomas today. He has had heart problems for a few years now and two weeks ago he was having a colonoscopy done and the anasthesia made his heart stop. Today they are going to have to put him to sleep again and possibly again tomorrow. So please pray for his heart to stay strong and everything go good. At least he will be in a major hospital this time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heck of a week!

So, this week has started of a little rocky. Kacen had to go to the dr monday and has the crud and of course so do I now. Got home from the dr and my dad came to look at our plumbing and had to have our septic tank pumped because it was full of roots. But this weekend is going to be beautiful and we are planning on taking a trip to the Nashville Zoo! I'm so excited and I know Kacen will love it! Hopefully we'll be feeling better by then. Then it's off to the houseboat Saturday night!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Earth Day!!

Only 5 days till Earth Day and you can go to on Earth Day and they will send you a rebate for a roll of their new, 100% recycled aluminum foil..and it's made in the USA. Just wanted to share a freebie with everyone!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Big Thanks

It's so nice to hear good things about your work when you try your hardest and are so passionate about it. I got a phone call this morning from Kristin and her mom, Melanie Ward, who is also a photographer who does excellent work. I almost teared up when she told me she thought photography was my calling. Talk about a big ego now! lol JK. That has T-Totally made my day, no, my week! It felt so good to hear that coming from another artists mouth and I just wanted to say Thank you to these girls because it truly meant alot to me! love ya'll!

Easter 2009

Here are a few pics of Kacen at Easter, he had so much fun. I didn't think he would catch on to what to do with the eggs, but of course he did. He would pick one up and put it in his basket and if he didn't like it, he'd just throw it back down. LOL.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Farewell my friend!!

Well it has been exactly 12 days since we took Kacen's paci away and I got to say I was bracing myself for the worst. Totally didn't get what i was expecting. We took it away on a Thursday and it was like he never remembered having a paci. I guess he was ready to give it up. I am so thankful to God for giving me such a beautiful and wonderful son. He always does so good with transitions. His bottle was nothing, took it away at like 10 months and he's been sleeping through the night in his bed since he was 2 months!! I am truly greatful to have such a wonderful son!!

I think Harlow shared this one with him LOL

Sunshine, here we come!

Well, not till July, 94 days to be exact. We're going to Clearwater, FL. This will be Kacen's first trip to the beach and he is going to love it. I can't wait for him to see dolphins and the ocean and take pictures of course. I'm super excited that i'll get some really good ones of us on the beach.

We had so much fun when we went 2 years ago when i was preggo. We went on a dolphin tour and it was amazing. I had never been so close to a dolphin and they were beautiful! This is one of the pictures i took while on the dolphin tour boat.

AAAAHHHHH rest and relaxation...yeah right. More like running after Kacen LOL, but it's totally worth it he'll never forget it!


As you can tell, I go back and forth on what I'm into at the time. Right now jewelry just isn't something i've been into for a while now and I will still do a few things for my photography customers but I'm trying to focus more on my photography right now and of course my baby boy. I am loving every minute of being a stay at home mom and know this is just where i belong. I realize now that i missed so much when i was at work but it's not always possible to stay home. After all we all have bills right! Anyway I am dedicating this page to my family, my feelings, new crafts I may be working on and who knows maybe a little of the old stuff. "Out with the old and in with the new" as they say. Check out my other blog