Okay , Kristin is making me update my blog, i know i neglect my poor blog. But by the time i sit down and update the ChaNikki blog, edit some pictures, and work on other things i am either too tired or too busy. so eventually i'll probably just merge the two and my clients will just have to put up with a boring bit about my life or little boy every now and then.( not that i think my life or little boy is boring but if you come to see pictures you may not care that we went to the pumpkin patch or hada great halloween party for example) LOL anyway, you get the point,....so anyway here is amy update, been super busy with pictures and editing lately, the autumn street fair really paid off and got our name out there some....my mom has a blog now check it out at forevercharming.blogspot.com she sells slider beads, similar to pandora and they are sterling silver and available at etc on main for 10 and 12 dollars....been working with etc on some marketing materials, cards, etc. haha etc... get it? mmmm got a new laptop LOVE IT.. love being in the same room kacen is and not worrying about him sneaking and turning off modem while i'm in the middle of editing lol see this is us right now

he just thinks he can read every little thing i tyype and we can snuggle up together while i work mmmm just love him. and yes, if your saying her child is up at 11 pm, yes he is LOL i know i've been so busy we have really got him off schedule but oh well. We'll make it. hmmmm what else, we are having a halloween party for the kids halloween night, tons of games, candy, hayride, weenie roast.... so stop on by the barn and join the fun if i forgot to invite ya lol.. Lets see moving on, what else? Oh yeah Kristins bout to pop and the closer i get to seeing Anden it makes me want another baby, but I don't think right now is a good time, i'm so busy and want to give Kacen all the attention i can till he gets a little older....and he LOVES his attention.oh yeah and my shih-tzu had 4 puppies last tuesday theyre like little halmsters.

SO CUTE. Been working on costumes, we are all going as cavemen, Kacen is getting chesthair and unibrow and all LOL too cool, i'll post pics later, we have a party to attend tomorrow as well....my family loves dressing up at halloween can you tell? we have a party to go to like every weekend lol. got another wedding to do in April, exctied bout that.......Kacen will be two next month so i got to start party planning, his uncle dustin is coming to entertain as a clown..my how time flies i literally remember bringing him home and it felt like just yesterday how i would just sit and look at him all day long, like you never get tired of looking at your baby. he's getting good at talking and loves to sing and dance and his fave song is twinkle twinkle little star...but we like to sing it with funny deep voices and he cracks me up, he is such an entertainer and loves to be the center of attention, he loves to give kisses now and i'll find him standin over me in the morning wit his lips all puckered up and him making smooch sounds for a kiss i absolutely love that it is the best feeling anyone could have to have a little boy who loves his mommy so much and i love him more than words can express....i better stop cause i'll be crying all night lol anyway you get it .....i love my katerbug to the moon and back! well i guess that bout covers it . See you all soon!!! Oh and he has fell asleep, my blogging must bore him lol oh and i forgot to tell ya bout our triop to pumpkin patch so after i edit trip photos i'll post about it, we got some great shots of kacen and his cousin hayden playing there